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a Family Group, Manufactuere & EPC company for
-Remarkable Sludge Dewatering, Reduction, Drying, Recycling system,
-High Efficiency Water, Wastewater, Algae Treatment System,
-100years advanced Top-Down Natural Nano Technology system
40 years Accumulated know how,
Move the World by Green Advanced Technology
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NEWS 2024

Completing the Poland Clean Water & Sludge Dewatering Project...
Poland is part of the European Union (EU). EU ECO Fund, a fund created to protect rivers flowing through border areas between countries from pollution.
In 2020, this fund was invested in Gmina Ostaszewo, a small village in Gdansk, Poland, and it was completed only today after participating in the bidding.
5,000 tons of domestic sewage per day is recycled into clear water and discharged into the river or reused as gray water for farms, and the sludge is dehydrated at 23%DS, composted, and reused as fertilizer from #ROYALCentrifuge #KOWATS270D.
Of the total 1.9 million euros, 1.7 million euros were supported by the EU Eco Fund.
Looking at the history of the 27 EU countries, they have a dark past of being invaded and invaded, but the countries that invaded reflect on their past, and the countries that were invaded accepted and forgave them with appropriate compensation, forming a common European union for 'economic and political' unity. formed.
The EU truly has a lot to learn from.
We would like to pay tribute to the EU community, which is investing a lot of money to protect the natural environment, such as zero carbon and eco-friendly energy, in preparation for the clean water fund and various climate crises.
With gratitude to Jung, Shin, Michael, Alex, Peter, Chris, and the countless colleagues, material suppliers, developers, administrators, and construction workers who were with us for five days, we would like to dedicate the success of this project to the citizens of Poland.
Poland, Forever long live & Be happy~
From all staffs of BLUEWIN (www.bluewin.kr)