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a Family Group, Manufactuere & EPC company for
-Remarkable Sludge Dewatering, Reduction, Drying, Recycling system,
-High Efficiency Water, Wastewater, Algae Treatment System,
-100years advanced Top-Down Natural Nano Technology system
40 years Accumulated know how,
Move the World by Green Advanced Technology
BLUEWIN Website has Up-graded to www.bluewin.co.kr
NEWS 2016

"4 Different kinds of sludge characteristic types of Austrian sewage sludge were directly demonstrated in ELODE. Achieved 45 ~ 55% DS respectively, and Reduced 60% Minimum."
2016. MAR

"Supplied EODS-500, DEMO machine to Austria. DEMO equipment is provided to WWTP to ensure accurate calculation of water content(Dry Solid), electricity consumption, OPEX, CAPEX, ROI etc. DEMO equipment operation is the most important indicator for ordering MAIN MACHINE" ELODE is always guarantee
2016. JUNE

"2008 SIEMENS Water Technology and ELODE at WEFTEC Collaboration Exhibition.

2008. OCT.