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a Family Group, Manufactuere & EPC company for
-Remarkable Sludge Dewatering, Reduction, Drying, Recycling system,
-High Efficiency Water, Wastewater, Algae Treatment System,
-100years advanced Top-Down Natural Nano Technology system
40 years Accumulated know how,
Move the World by Green Advanced Technology
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Company profile

September, 15, 1989 we established
With Board of members;
Chairman of FINE INC. Mr. Sangjun LEE,
Chairman of ROYAL PRECISION Mr. Jaeduck PARK,
CEO of BLUEWIN Co., Ltd. Mr. Antonio KIM

Basic Profile

The sludge treatment business is called the 3D (Difficult, Dirty, Dangerous) industry. However, Bluewin 'Takes pride in helping humanity, society, and the clean global environment' through its sludge treatment business.
Bluewin exports $65 million annually, and Bluewin's equipment is operated in 63 countries around the world.
Among the total 180 employees, 45 professional engineers (4 Master Engineers, 26 Special Engineers, 15 Professional Engineers) are veterans with more than 20 years of experience.
We have a 24-hour after sales service system, so we can respond quickly as soon as we receive an inquiry.
By consistently investing more than 5% of total sales in R&D, we are leading the way with more efficient functions and advanced technology.
We provide optimal solutions based on our abundant field experience...Please do Experience it for yourself.

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